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Introducing the Natural State of Mind from the Bön Tradition of Dzogchen (Great Perfection) - 9 Session Course

Introducing the Natural State of Mind
from the Bön Tradition of Dzogchen
(Great Perfection)

9 Session Course - Thursdays 6:15-7:30pm

1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28
2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/23

9 Session Course
$135 ($15/session) - Community
$180 ($20/session) - Sustainer
$225 ($25/session) - Supporter


According to the Bön tradition, the final goal of any practice and teaching is the instruction of the unsurpassed Dzogpa Chenpo Great Perfection that is received from the qualified Lamas or Geshes, From the guidance of the teachings in this life one needs to get as much experience as possible in this life.

Therefore, according to the tradition of Dzogpa Chenpo, first the deluded mind must be identified. Then, this mind needs a single base, single-pointed method of meditation. Next, where the mind originates, where it stays, and where it goes and so forth needs to be investigated. Then, from the experience of calm-abiding, you must exert in this method of attaining the comfort of the suppleness of the body and mind.

Then, the mind and Rigpa (awareness) must be distinguished and separated. Next, from the path of pointing out the nature of the mind, the natural state needs to be sustained continuously throughout meditation sessions and breaks. Therefore, all the instructions should systematically be obtained and you need to directly realize the real meaning of the teachings by yourself.

From the beginning, your own mind is indivisible from the self-arisen primordial wisdom, or the natural state. Emptiness and clarity are inseparable which is the Bönku Body of Reality, and this is the indivisibility of samsara and nirvana which is pervaded by primordial wisdom. This primordial wisdom is the ultimate reality of all phenomena. Within the Secret Mantra Tantra system, this primordial wisdom is also explained as the fundamental reality of luminosity.


Therefore, remain naturally and realize the natural face of awareness, or the essence of the mind. This way of continuing in the nature of reality is one hundred essential points combined into one instruction. Just this awareness, the indivisible emptiness and clarity, by the power of meditation at the time of practice, the mode of apprehension is to leave whatever is in the mind in its natural condition. The aspect of remaining without connecting to all the arising conceptual thoughts is calm abiding. The limitless intrinsic reality of the naked awareness is the aspect of clarity, having the sharp transparency. Recognizing this awareness free from object and subject is what is referred to as special insight.

This essential point by which the practitioner trains by sustaining the awareness, the experience of the reality of the nature of mind, is the most profound essential point that unifies the ocean-like ways of practice of the Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen.

This teaching course of this subject of Bön is mainly intended for all beginner students, however, I also welcome students of any level of experience to this teaching, as this is certainly useful and of great benefit.

Course Topics (some will be multiple sessions):
1. Fixating the mind
2. practice of investigating the source of the mind
3. Calm Abiding Zhinè practice.
4. Distinguish between Mind and Rigpa
5. Beginning to recognize the Natural State of the Mind
6. Qualities of the Natural State of the Mind
7. Meditation Practice of the Medicine Buddha

Geshe Tenzin Gelek.jpeg

Geshe Lungtok Tenzin Gelek practices and teaches Bon Religious Tradition. Geshe la has spent most of his life at Menri Monastery, since 7 years of age, learning the Bon tradition. HH 33rd Menri Trizin Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche taught Geshe la how to chant according to the Menri tradition. Geshe la was appointed to the high position of Chant Master or Tsok Chen Um Zed, to lead all the Menri monks proper tone and pronunciation. He held the position for 3 years. HH 33rd Menri Trizin Rinpoche also taught him Cham – the secret dance, and held the position of Dance Master for 6 years. HE Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche taught Geshe la the Bon Scriptures of Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen. Geshe la would memorize all root text of these scriptures. He also learned poetry, astrology, astronomy, Tibetan medicine, and methods for constructing mandalas and stupas. Geshe la taught Bon Mool Shastra (Bon root texts of Zhang-zhung) to students at Central University of Tibetan Studies, Varanasi, India for 14 years. Geshe la is dedicated to teaching and supporting the scriptures to all who are interested.

9 Session Class
$135 ($15/session) - Community
$180 ($20/session) - Sustainer
$225 ($25/session) - Supporter

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"Sustainer" prices are general admission pricing, maintaining the center’s ability to meet costs for holding an event. 

"Community" pricing is for those with limited income and access to resources. 

”Supporter" pricing is for those who would like to support our ability to offer community pricing and improve the center.