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Sat Shree Satsang and One Day Intensive

Sat Shree Satsangs and One Day Intensive

Satsang May 1, 7-9p
$20 Online
$25 At Door

May 2, 7p-9p
$20 Online
$25 At Door

One Day Intensive May 3, 11a-6p
$79 Online
$84 At Door

COVID-19 UPDATE: Due to the developing situation, this event is on ‘temporary hold’ until we get more information. An online Zoom offering is likely.


Sat Shree’s Satsangs are an exploration into the nature of the new consciousness that is presently descending to the planet, and how the individual can integrate this new consciousness into their daily lives. Each Satsang begins and ends with a period of silence, and includes a talk and interaction with the participants.

Intensives are an opportunity to participate with Sat Shree and the community in silent sitting and self inquiry. Intensives include periods of silent mediation and interactions with Sat Shree specific to various phases of the spiritual path and what it means to live a divine life.


It is the mission of the Boston Center for Contemplative Practice to provide balanced financial accessibility to our services. We believe that what we offer should be for everyone. We offer scholarships for our professional trainings and we offer a 3-tiered, self-selecting pricing system for events and classes. Please contact if there are ever any concerns around financial accessibility.