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BIPOC Women's Community Circle

BIPOC Women's Community Circle
lead by Anna-Maria D'Cruz, Ph.D.

via Zoom
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, starting 3/2/21

Community $10
Sustainer $20
Supporter $25
No one will be turned away because of funds.


This year invites us to prioritize and center collective healing. This intentional space for BIPOC women will provide a supportive container for community building and contemplative practice. Each session will move through an opening circle, breakout into conversation groups, and return together for integration. We will share prompts, practices, and other offerings with the intention to organically evolve as a group.

All funds will be sent to the Just Healing Coalition (JHC), a group affiliated with the Boston Center for Contemplative Practice, raising money to support the work of BIPOC healers and wellness practitioners in Boston.

Just Healing Coalition Mission Statement:
We seek to leverage our respective privilege through:
1) Support of expansive practices that embody mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellness in BIPOC communities,
2) Provide direct financial support for BIPOC healers (in the greater Boston area),
3) Support of pre-existing community,
4) Highlight the structural and systemic causes of harm for BIPOC individuals and communities, and
5) Dismantle oppressive structures by decentralizing currently prioritized models of healing and wellness.” 

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Anna-Maria D'Cruz, Ph.D.

I am a clinical psychologist, committed to co-creating relational spaces with my clients that support them in the personal journey. I believe in a holistic approach that supports equitable, integrated healing for individuals and their communities. 

I work from a trauma-informed perspective: by recognizing the systems that perpetuate harm to individuals and communities, and actively striving to dismantle those in order to heal and be whole. I strive to create help my clients create narratives that honor and uphold their past, present, and future selves.

I create healing spaces that welcome and affirm individuals in all their intersecting identities and how those can evolve over time. I work from an anti-racist, sex-positive, gender-affirming, feminist perspective.

My approach uses tools from several therapeutic modalities to develop a plan that works best for each individual, as well as including contemplative practice, play, and nature-based sensory reintegration. I am passionate about music, art, and nature, and will use these as mediators of expression and change with clients whose interests overlap.  

I have clinical training and experience in:

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

  • Dynamic psychotherapy

  • Existential and Humanistic approaches

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)

  • Sex therapy

  • Neuropsychological testing and biopsychosocial assessment 


  • University of Illinois at Chicago, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (2013)

  • Clinical Internship: Beth Israel Medical Center/Massachusetts Mental Health Center (2012-2013)

I am a mother to 3 boys (a 7yo and 5yo twins). I am a queer brown woman of mixed background, racially (Indian/Italian), and culturally. I was born and raised in London and have lived in the US for 15 years. 


It is the mission of the Boston Center for Contemplative Practice to provide balanced financial accessibility to our services. We believe that what we offer should be for everyone. We offer a 3-tiered, self-selecting pricing system for events and scholarships for our professional trainings classes.

"Sustainer" prices are general admission pricing, maintaining the center’s ability to meet costs for holding an event.

"Community" pricing is for those with limited income and access to resources.

”Supporter" pricing is for those who would like to support our ability to offer community pricing and improve the center.

Earlier Event: March 2
BCCP Community Meditation