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Live your Life Breathwork Practice: Embodying Loving Awareness

Live your Life Breathwork Practice: Embodying Loving Awareness with Tara Jones

Friday, September 18th
7:00pm - 9:00pm

$15 - Community
$25 - Sustainer
$35 - Supporter

LOVE is a big word. We all crave it within, but there can be so much in the way to truly accepting ourselves deeply and completely. Limited beliefs such as “feeling broken,” unworthiness or needing to be perfect can make loving yourself feel impossible or out of reach.

In this workshop, devoted to LOVING AWARENESS is for anyone desiring a more gentle, compassionate and joyful relationship with Self and others. The breath can act as a healthy cleanser to any blockages that are in the way of our heart expanding. When we are more aligned, loving exchange with ourselves and others will feel a lot more natural, bringing a massive amount of sweetness into our lives.

Breathwork is an active form of meditation and somatic healing practice. It uses a three part breath that quickly quiets the mind and purges the body and nervous system of emotional debris so we can be more present in our hearts. When you bring consciousness to breathing all sorts of magic and transformation can happen which in turn supports life change; cultivating a vision on how fulfilling your life can be. It is a experience that feels like returning home.

The power of breathing together in a group amplifies the sacred container of support. Come join a like minded community to recharge your batteries, feel some feels, release what you don’t need and discover you already have everything that you need inside of you!

This physically embodied practice works to:

* Facilitates emotional and energetic release

* Helps to clear a foggy, stuck mind

* Activates creative energy flow to inspire new and meaningful projects

* Wakes you up to a greater expansive awareness

* Nourishes the heart and helps you to align with self-love

* Cultivates self esteem and confidence

Please bring a water bottle, a yoga mat, a journal (if you so desire) and a blanket if you need extra padding. Wear comfortable clothing.

No experience necessary. Just come with an open heart and mind. We are so excited to bring this beautiful practice to the surrounding community!

developing strong relationships with clients for over 18 years.

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About Tara Jones:
I believe that healing starts from a positive frame of mind that "we are not broken." This human experience can be an intense one, and no one goes through life untouched. Most of us carry around tension, pain, fear and outdated beliefs tucked deep in our bodies and nervous systems. Starting the process of letting go and integrating, sometimes just requires loving care of our body, plus the willingness to keep an open heart and mind while looking deep inside ourselves.

I'd be honored to have the opportunity to hold space for you and help guide you in your healing process. Let's work together so that you can be the best possible version of yourself and live the healthy, balanced life you've always wanted.

$15 - Community
$25 - Sustainer
$35 - Supporter


It is the mission of the Boston Center for Contemplative Practice to provide balanced financial accessibility to our services. We believe that what we offer should be for everyone. We offer scholarships for our professional trainings and we offer a 3-tiered, self-selecting pricing system for events and classes. Please contact if there are ever any concerns around financial accessibility.