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Yoga, Mindfulness & Inquiry: A Monthly Insight Yoga Practice

Yoga, Mindfulness & Inquiry:
A Monthly Insight Yoga Practice

Sundays Monthly 1/12, 2/9, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10

General Investment: $20
Supporting Investment: $25
Student/Affordability Investment: $15

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Insight yoga is an integrated practice where complimentary streams of yoga, Buddhism, and spiritual psychology are interwoven to enhance physical, energetic, mental, and emotional health. We invite meditators interested in exploring the body as another door in, as well as yoga practitioners interested in incorporating more meditation into their routines, and practitioners of multiple methods or of any level of experience, to gather for this monthly opportunity to spend two hours with a variety of skillful means to tap-root our inherent wisdom and compassion and access the self as it actually is: luminous and full of potential.

We will open with a 10-minute sit, land acknowledgement, and vows; move into pranayama, yin yoga, contemplative inquiry, and slow flow yoga; and we will close with savasana and a 20-minute sit. The amount of guidance and silence at the start of each meditative period and during yin yoga will be tailored to the needs of the practitioners in the room, with the intention of providing an equally supportive and spacious holding environment.

Sarah Jane studied Eastern religions from an historical perspective as an undergraduate a decade before circling back and discovering how yogic and Buddhist methods can serve as radically nourishing supports in modern times. After hundreds of hours in trainings and retreats in ying/yang yogas and the Insight meditation tradition, and earning several certifications, Sarah Jane shares her recipe for living with vitality, peace, and purpose: Nourish the body, heal the heart, and train the mind. By retreating annually with esteemed teachers, studying at the evolving intersections of Buddhism and science, and working to uncover her unconscious bias, she keeps her practice and teaching fresh and responsive. Sarah Jane is also a stepmother, book editor, and musician. She offers deep gratitude to her teachers Sarah Powers (who endorsed her to teach Insight Yoga), Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach (with whom she is currently studying teaching), Ty Powers, Barbara Benagh, and Natasha Rizopoulos. For more information:


General Investment: $20
Supporting Investment: $25
Student/Affordability Investment: $15


It is the mission of the Boston Center for Contemplative Practice to provide balanced financial accessibility to our services. We believe that what we offer should be for everyone. We offer scholarships for our professional trainings and we offer a 3-tiered, self-selecting pricing system for events and classes. Please contact if there are ever any concerns around financial accessibility.